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Friday, January 16, 2009

Happy feet = one happy mama!

I recently used Tip Toes by Foot Petals... they were amazing! I put them into my fave new pair of heels (you have a pair like them too... you know, the ones that you LOVE, they're adorable, but they KILL your feet???) I recommend them to all my lady friends! Whether you're wearing 4 inch heels or plain and simple ballet flats... Foot Petals are definitely for you! (And the women in your life!)

Here's a little bit from the website to give you an idea of what they are and how they work: Step in style with these flower-shaped ball-of-foot cushions and go from working all day to dancing the night away! Virtually invisible in all of your shoes, Tip Toes help prevent calluses from forming, protect bones and tissue, and cushion the sensitive ball-of-foot area. Try them with your hosiery to stop runs and prevent slipping and sliding. Make sure you check out their website:!

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